Pricing: $80 per hour (centre based)


In psychology terms In layman terms 
What is positive behavior support (PBS)? PBS utilizes ABA principles (Hieneman, 2015). 

For instance, PBS relies on functional assessment of the context in which the behavior is  maintained.

PBS is a form of ABA therapy




How is it different from ABA?   Critical differences:

(1) Emphasis on antecedent modification

(2) Greater involvement of stakeholders

(3) Reduced emphasis on technical competence of therapists executing intervention, typically organizational staff, teachers etc

(Konstantinidou et al., 2023)


(1) Focus is on removing triggers that cause the behavior (e.g., removing phone in the room)

(2) There are goals for parents/teachers as well as the child. 

(3)  Parents also become therapists; execute plans.



What are strengths and limitations?   Strengths

(1) PBS adopts a system perspective in addition to individual perspective.

(2) Encouraging greater participation of stakeholders.


(1) PBS is relatively new and requires more studies.  

(Johnston et al., 2006)



(1) Considers what happens outside therapy room, in actual homes, in schools.

(2) More stakeholders are involved.   



(1) This is an emerging field, needs more studies. 



Konstantinidou, I., Dillenburger, K., & Ramey, D. (2023). Positive behaviour support: a systematic literature review of the effect of staff training and organisational behaviour management. International journal of developmental disabilities69(1), 29–44.

Hieneman M. (2015). Positive Behavior Support for Individuals with Behavior Challenges. Behavior analysis in practice8(1), 101–108.

Johnston, J. M., Foxx, R. M., Jacobson, J. W., Green, G., & Mulick, J. A. (2006). Positive behavior support and applied behavior analysis. The Behavior analyst29(1), 51–74.