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Lazarus Dyslexia Quiz

What will we teach your child? 

Phonics. Reading. Vocabulary. Fluency. Spelling. Writing

What does it feel like, to be in their shoes? 

Do you scold your child because she cannot read well? Upset because she skips words in the passage? Furious because she cannot remember simple things? Upset with her slow writing? She might be having a learning difficulty.  To know how it feels to be her or him, watch this true story of Mike Jones, who is the founder of Nessy.  It talks about his life as a student. 

What is Dyslexia?

It is basically problems with reading.  However people have used this term to also describe problems in writing and Math. There are a few key indicators. These are weakness in phonological awareness, verbal memory and verbal processing .

What are these indicators?

Phonological awareness is knowledge about the sounds of a language. Kids with Dyslexia struggle with knowing how a letter, word or phrase should actually sound.  This in turn affects reading.  Verbal Memory is how well you can store information in your head.  Children with this learning difficulty cannot hold data for long in their mind.  They will struggle with multi-step instructions, complex word problems.  Verbal Processing is the process of receiving and retrieving information mentally.  Deficits here are linked to reading problems. 

What other areas?

A child may struggle with mental calculations or concentrate.  She is probably not well organised.  However these are not by themselves markers of the learning problem. Such children appear smart but struggle with school. As a result parents may wrongly conclude that their child is simply being lazy.  After all, if she is intelligent and speaks well, why does she struggle academically? They are also easily frustrated and emotional. This is especially about school, reading, writing or mathematics.

About Our Lazarus Dyslexia Literacy Program 

Who is it for? Primary school students who are diagnosed with Dyslexia. Alternatively, this would also suit student who are struggling with reading and writing. 

Why these 6 areas? The well known national committees in US and UK set up to analyse reading problems came up with a list of areas to focus on. Top of this was phonological awareness. A key aspect of this includes phonics, aside from developing vocabulary, writing and spelling. 

Why work on phonics ? Yes.  Most of us grew up learning English by reading, writing and talking. Not many of us spent time learning the rules of language. The idea was that regular visits to library would fix such problems. Yet studies have shown that these children are best helped through interventions that focus on phonological awareness. 

How do we use the Orton-Gillingham (OG) Approach? 

Our programs is tailored to your child’s needs. We have a structure that we follow in sequence. This enables us to build a foundation before we proceed to the next topic.  The lessons are made emotionally sound by taking into account her interests. We are careful to avoid topics that would be insensitive.  We focus on language and its rules. These enable students to be confident about answers. Finally, lessons are multi-sensory. 

How are our lessons multi-sensory? We use sight, sounds and touch. Some kids are highly visual learners. So we use colors and pictures. We also teach by getting to them to listen.  Not just to us but other children as well.  The use of fingers to trace letters in the air is another example. Some kids learn better by doing something rather than sitting at their tables. A good combination of all these methods makes for an enjoyable lesson.

What is the cost?

Dyslexia Test (for school/MOE use) is $800. We test ability, achievement, reading and phonological processing. A detailed report and individual education plan is provided.  $60 per hour.  Call 91764837
