This is not an exhaustive list nor is it a diagnostic or screening tool. However, these are commonly reported problems of individuals with SLD

1. Struggles with reading. Example: Frequently guesses words (car for cat, ball for bowl, carried for covered), interchanges words (a for the) while reading out loud, appears weary or hesitant when reading aloud, prefers to read together with adults.
2. Difficulty understanding what he/she reads. Example: Difficulty grasping main ideas in passage, problem understanding and following sequence of story (beginning, middle, end).
3. Problems with spelling. Example: Recurrent spelling errors such as omission of letter (bal for ball) and substitution of letter (ship for sheep).
4. Deficit in writing ability. Example: Omissions, additions, or repetition of words in written sentences and/or poor sense of punctuation and capitalisation (lack of capital letters for names, missing full stops, etc).
5. Poor understanding of basic math facts and number sense. Example: Struggles with understanding place of values in numbers (tens, hundreds, thousands) and remembering concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and other mathematical operations.
6. Severe difficulty applying mathematical reasoning. Example:Struggles with problems that require several steps, difficulty analysing mathematical problems and choosing appropriate problem-solving strategies
7. Struggles to retain information in memory. Example: Cannot remember or follow multi-fold instructions, problems with copying from the board, forgetful or doesn’t seem to be able to follow during conversation
8. Takes longer time to process information. Example:Very slow to complete home or class work, slow in responding to questions and conversation
9. Family history of significant problems with reading, spelling, and extreme difficulty in learning a foreign language. Example: Mother often stops in mid-sentence searching for the right words to express herself, father has major problems with spelling and second language in school, cousin who has trouble reading words, etc.
10. There were signs of reading and spelling problems since the beginning of literacy instruction (nursery/kindergarten). Example: Significant difficultyin mastering alphabets and basic words.