About Lazarus Dyslexia Checklist

Target Group: Primary, Secondary

Introduction:  Conditions such as Dyslexia fall into a broad area known as Specific Learning Difference (SLD) which can also include problems with writing (Dysgraphia) and Math (Dyscalculia). For simplicity, we will use the term “Dyslexia” to mean such related problems.

Aim: Parents are sometimes unsure about Dyslexia signs and symptoms. We have thus developed a general questionnaire to help identify these areas. This is not meant to be a diagnostic assessment. It is a simple grouping of possible risk factors for further evaluation. Parents can discuss these findings with their medical and educational professionals such as doctors, psychologists, special needs teachers and therapists.

Using the Checklist: Please answer the question as accurately as possible. As a guide, consider if the activity has taken place several times, rather than just once. For each question, we provide a detailed answer. Parents can then discuss these findings further with their medical and educational professionals such as doctors, psychologists, special needs teachers and therapists.

Answers: Please answer the questions as accurately as possible to the best of your knowledge. You can base your responses on your observation, teacher’s report, or both. Try to consider each item as the general behaviours and struggles of your child, the rule rather than the exception.

Caution: To repeat once again, please note that this is not an exhaustive list nor is it a diagnostic or screening tool. These are commonly reported problems of individuals with SLD.

Scoring: You can score 0 to 10, each point represents one risk factor. For example, if you score 5, it means there are 5 possible risk factors.

Disclaimer: By proceeding with Lazarus Dyslexia check list, you confirm your acknowledgement acceptance of our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and notices found in our website.

Instant Screening. Email Results to Lazarus.