1. Does your child look at you when talking or communicating with you?
2. Does your child make friends easily and enjoy playing with other children?
3. Does your child watch other children playing from afar rather than join in play?
4. Does your child share things that are of interest to him/her with you?
5. Does your child communicate with you through speech or gestures?
6. Does your child babble, say or imitate words, or make any speech noises?
7. Does your child engage in repetitive actions or speech?
8. Does your child struggle with changes in routines, rules, or unexpected events?
9. Does your child seem preoccupied or obsessed with certain objects or activities?
10. Is your child particularly sensitive to sounds, lights, touch, textures, or to have an unusually high tolerance for pain?
11. Have you notice these challenges in your child from an early age (Before age 7)?
12. Do these challenges limit your child’s overall functioning or affect your child’s daily living activities?